# What is this?
1. This tool has been created to modify the P3 CarConfig ONLY!
2. This tool can change any value in the CarConfig!
3. This tool contains a very comprehensive list of options and values from P3 cars, model years 2007->2019.
4. This tool only works with P3 cars!
S80 2007-2016, V70 2008-2016, XC70 2008-2016, XC60 2010-2016, S60 2011-2018, V60 2014-2018,V40 2012-2019
# What does it not do?
1. This tool will not tell you if specific functions can be enabled or disabled in your car.
2. This tool will not tune your engine!
3. This tool will only work with P3 cars!
# *Extra* Functions:
1. TFT-DIM conversion for some models, there is no list of what will work or not. It is beeing developed and is not complete.
2. Any included feature except CarConfig change is a Extra function and may not work and should NOT be expected to work.
3. If an *Extra* function is not working there is nothing I can do to help.
# Warnings:
1. Any software, computer or interface error can cause CEM failure... your car will not start!
2. Low voltage during programming (or insufficent charger) can cause CEM failure... your car will not start!
# Get an account:
1. We need a working e-mail to setup your account.
2. You need to check your *** SPAM *** folder.
3. You need to accept #Warnings
# Supported interfaces:
Tested J2534 interfaces: Real DiCE, Mongoose JLR
Also works with: VXDIAG* in J2534 Passthrough mode
Note: *VXDIAG is a very slow interface, it can only handle about 15keys/second during PIN search. I Recommend DiCE (~270keys/sec) or Mongoose JLR Pro (~500keys/sec). Your own results may vary!